Tuesday, October 16, 2012

EdCoustic-Aku Ingin MencintaiMu ~lirik~

aku ingin mencintaiNYA. mari mencintaiNYA.
nak cari cinta Agung, bukan cinta picisan. cari cinta yang bawa bahagia abadi bukan sengsara di akhirat.

Edcoustic - Muhasabah Cinta

Just sharing a song that could be an inspiration. yes we are human=not perfect. so, why we're always being such an arrogant man? we do lots of mistakes. <--- anyone couldn't denied this! so try and keep on striving to find HIM~the greatest love. always do self-reflection. always being grateful on everything that he gave, even just a little tiny small gift. ALHAMDULILLAH. thanks ALLAH